Opening Ceremony of SMU Degree Program Successfully Held

Publisher:系統管理員Publish date:2014-09-24Views:0


Shanghai Maritime University received the fresh international students from afar, and students from RMU attending “Logistics Management” program in this beautiful September. With the active cooperation from related colleges and departments, the freshmen orientation of international students finished successfully. And on the morning of September 22th, a brief opening ceremony was held at COSCO HALL.

Jin Yongxing, Vice President of SMU, Capt. Turkson, president of Regional Maritime University, Shi Chaojian, the Dean of International Education College, Yu Hongrong, Director of International Office, representative teachers from Regional Maritime University and our school, over 70 international students attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by Prof. Shi Chaojian.

Jin Yongxing, Vice President of SMU delivered the welcome speech. He briefly introduced the development progress and prospect of the international education at SMU. He expected students to make the best use of the researching appliances and education facilities, and actively communicate with teachers and classmates. Prof. Jin also encouraged them to experience Chinese culture in addition to making professional progress.

Capt.Turkson, president of Regional Maritime University thanked for our elaborate instruction to Logistic students of last year and expressed his expectation to the new coming international students.

The representative teacher, Prof. Ge Yingen, the Dean of College of Transport and Communications, gave some instructive advice based on his own experience. And then the old and fresh international students were also invited to share their experience.

Vice presient of SMU, Prof. Jin Yongxing attended the opening ceremony
Representative teachers and all the fresh international students attended the opening ceremony
 Refresentative teacher, Prof. Ge Yingen, the Dean of college of transport and communications, are giving a speech
Group photo
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