Registration for Students in China

Publisher:李華Publish date:2021-08-25Views❄️:10

Dear Students,

 In accordance with Shanghai Municipal Education Commission’s requirements on COVID-19 prevention and control measures, coupled with the University’s protocol on ensuring the health, safety, and orderly return of students to campus, and based on the teaching plan of the school enshrine on the principle of "wrong area, wrong level, wrong time, and wrong peak" , the arrangements for students in China returning to school are announced as follows:

1. Monday, 30th August, 2021: Students registration for examination re-sit,

2. Thursday, 2nd September, 2021: Registration for second (2nd) and fourth (4th) year undergraduate students ONLY,

3. Saturday, 4th September, 2021: Registration for third (3rd) year undergraduate students ONLY,

4. Monday, 6th September, 2021: Registration for second (2nd) and third (3rd) year graduate students ONLY,

5. Friday, 10th September, 2021: Registration for newly admitted students presently in China, coming from other provinces and cities outside Shanghai ONLY,

6. Sunday, 12th September, 2021: Registration of newly admitted students presently residing in Shanghai ONLY.

Check-In Arrangement and Precautions

Students from Medium or High-Risk Areas

1. During the University’s registration day, students from or passing through zones designated by local government as closed management domestic medium or high-risk areas in the country (Province, City, District) are advised not to return to campus during the required registration date.

2. Students who have gone or passed through high-risk areas to low-risk areas within 21 days of the announcement of the local epidemic case without any feverish or health issue, must have a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours before entering Shanghai. Upon, arriving Shanghai, a seven (7) day off-campus intensive health monitoring and COVID-19 nucleic acid test will be performed. Only those with negative test results can apply for admission to the University. When admitted to the campus upon approval, the student will continue to undergo a self-health management protocol for seven (7) days after entering the university. For students who are from high or medium risk areas but recently changed to a low-risk area after 21 days, can only return to campus by following the school’s policy on low-risk area returning students.

3. Students who have travelled to a medium or high-risk areas must leave the risk area and return to their original place of residence (thus, the place of residence have to be a designated as a low-risk area) 14 days before returning to school. Additionally, the student must complete a 14 day self-health management whiles in the place of residence with the continuous low body temperature check below 37.3 degrees Celsius (the temperature and health condition must be reported to the university daily). Also, must ensure that they do not have any feverish or health issues after 14 days, and must have a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours before returning to campus.

4. Students who have a family member who have travelled  a medium or high-risk area whether abroad or within China 21 days before the start of the academic year, must report to their respective college counselor in time and also do a good job of self-health management seven (7) days after entering the university.

5. From the date of being listed as a medium or high-risk area, students from or passing through a medium or high-risk area within 14 days, must  strictly subject his/ herself to a 14 days (this is calculated from the day the student left the high or medium risk) centralized (home) health management check. Within the 14 days, the concerned student must carry out two nucleic acid tests with all tests reported as negative,  only then can the student be allowed to apply for returning to school.

Students from a Low-Risk Areas

1. Concerned students in this area, must conduct a self-health check monitoring 14 days before returning to the university. The students are not allowed to leave their place of residence (the place of residence is a low-risk area). Daily health check must be reported to the university. Only students with normal health condition can apply to return to school.

2. Students who are from outside Shanghai, must return to Shanghai with a negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours before entering Shanghai (thus, school). After arriving on campus, the university will organize a nucleic acid test. Only those with a negative result would be allowed to start their studies and accommodation.

Concerned Students with Related Cases

1. A student or a family member confirmed or suspected with COVID-19 virus or having a positive nucleic acid test are not allowed to return to campus for the time being. Only when the affected person recovers after one (1), the student can apply to return to school with a negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test result.

2. Student who has close contact with a COVID-19 infected person, or immediate close contacts, must complete an isolation and health observation check in accordance with the relevant requirements of the local city are required to undergo intensive home health monitoring for another 14 days. Only after the concerned student COVID-19 nucleic acid test is negative, can return to school by application.

3. If the student is under investigation of a COVID related case, and is undergoing a nucleic acid test, the concerned students must undergo an intensive home health monitoring for 14 days. Only after  two nucleic acid tests result reports as negative,  can the student be allowed to apply for returning to school.

Students Returning to Campus Early

 In principle, all students are not allowed to return to campus  early. Those who arrive early on campus without a reason shall follow the University’s COVID-19 management rules. Those who must return to campus with a special reason, shall do so by applying to their respective college by writing. Upon an approval from the college can they only be allowed to return to campus.

Students Returning to Campus with a Vehicles or Accompanied by a Relative

 All vehicles and relatives that transport students back to university are not allowed to enter the campus (students who drive into the campus by themselves need to apply separately to enter the campus). When students report back to school, the school arranges shuttle buses to pick up students from the school gate to the dormitory area.

Students Who Cannot Return to School on Time Under Special Circumstances

 Students who are unable to return to school at the specified time due to special circumstances such as transportation or physical health should promptly apply to their respective college counselor and teacher.

Precautions and Requirements for Returning to School

1. All students must ensure that they self-check and observe their health conditions 14 days before returning to school. Additionally, they are to report their health situation, submit their health (in Mandarin健康碼 [Jian Kang Ma])  and travel itinerary ((in Mandarin行程碼 [Xing Cheng Ma]) QR codes to their respective college counselor or teacher daily before returning to school.

2. Before returning to Shanghai, all students from other provinces and cities must have a negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test report within 48 hours to apply for returning to Shanghai. After reviewing the health (in Mandarin健康碼 [Jian Kang Ma])  and travel itinerary ((in Mandarin行程碼 [Xing Cheng Ma]) QR codes and other information, students who meet the conditions can enter the school. After entering the university campus, the school will uniformly organize a nucleic acid test the following dayafter registration and student should do a self-health  monitoring and protection as well.

3. All students must adhere to the "three-piece anti-epidemic" (thus, wear mask, keep social distance, and keep a good personal hygiene always), at the same time keep in mind the "five requirements for protection" (thus, cover your nose when you sneeze, wash your hands often, open your windows for good ventilation). Also, ensure that you personally protect yourself as well as wear masks during your travel back to Shanghai (thus, to school).


The return conditions and requirements of the school will be adjusted at any time based on the development of the epidemic situation and local management requirements. The medium and high risks areas are defined by the country’s uniform rules and regulations. Please, also pay attention to all university’s relevant notices in time.

Note: Foreign students residing outside China at the moment cannot return to the university, please continue to prepare for online learning and research(es).

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