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/f/Yes: % f[`Nb鸑LUSMO/Institution or Employer: _________ _____________ (WNS鰁魰/Time in China: 陙/From:_____t^/Year__g/Month 髞/To:____t^__g/Month &T/No: % 3u鲖篘睳^\臽礠/Family Members of the Applicants: 覻 T/Name t^ 劅/Age L N/ Occupation M憊P/Spouse ______________ 6r睳/Father ______________ 蚹睳/Mother ______________ _ (W,gVYf[褢3u鲖*g穬惽弰v臽礠 N `O/f&T Ta3u鲖 Nwm^Y齎Yuf[u?e淾VYf[褢B{| ? In case you fail to get this Scholarship A, would you agree or disagree to continue to apply for Scholarship B? Ta/ Agree % N Ta/Disagree % 3u鲖篘軴翄fN Letter of Guarantee b軴翄3u鲖h-N@bkX橯剉@b g匭筟孴衏汷剉Pg檈w瀃鄀飲 I hereby affirm that all the information and materials given in this form are true and correct. b軴翄d Nwm^Y齎Yuf[u?e淾VYf[褢Y*g3u鲖 TN鰁魰剉vQ諲-N齎?e淾VYf[褢 I ensure that besides the SGS, I have not applied for any other Chinese government scholarships within the period I study in Shanghai. Shanghai (WNSg魰 b\u悎[-N齎剉誰媉0誰膲 N蜰婲鸑UOqS砙-N齎>yO閥廭剉0N,g篘egNSf[`N珟齆 N&{T剉;m≧ During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to my capacity as a student. b(W玁譙VYf[褢g魰 N鄀Ee亯Bl豐鬴f[!h孴@bf[NN During the period of my getting SGS, I shall not apply for any changes of institution and specialty of study without valid reasons. (Wf[g魰 b\u悎[f[!h剉!h獈0!h膲 hQ汻昩eQf[`N孴xvz錧\O0 \蛻f[!h剉Yef[塠抍 During my study in China, I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the host university, concentrate on my studies and researches, and follow the teaching programs arranged by the university. b\ cgq膲歔耂燫 Nwm^Y齎Yuf[u?e淾VYf[褢t^膵 I shall go through the procedures of the annual assessment of SGS status as required. b\ c膲歔gP栴O孾f[N cg轛齎 N鄀Ee(WNS辬Yu I shall return to my home country as soon as I complete my scheduled study program in China, and will not extend my stay in China without valid reasons. 俌輳蚐 N饛軴翄 譙0R-N齎誰媉0誰膲b!h獈0!h膲剉閌Y b?aa譙 Nwm^Y齎Yuf[u?e淾VYf[褢t訷XTO-Nbkb諷坢VYf[褢蔛vQ僛鴙擽剉YZ0 If I am judged by the Chinese laws and decrees and the rules and regulations of the university as having violated any of the above, I will not lodge any appeal against the decision of SGS administration on suspending, or withdrawing my scholarship, or other corresponding penalties. 3u鲖篘~{W[/Signature of the Applicant: 錯g/Date:__ ______________________________ 鄀dk~{ T 3u鲖鄀He/The application is invalid without the applicant s signature @bD朠g檈臽礠 鲖(W@bD朌桍NMRR X hf Materials Attached (Please Indicate with  X in the Bracket.) % ,g篘gq YpS鯪/A Copy of the Passport. % $N\╟P冡O/Two Letters of Recommendation. % ,g篘gTf[哠b閪US YpS鯪{榣Q翄 /Transcript of Study Records of the Most Advanced Studies (Notarized Photocopy). % ,g篘gTf[哠翄fN YpS鯪{榣Q翄 /Certificate of the Most Advanced Studies (Notarized Photocopy). ,g褃/Bachelor s Degree % Ux隭/Master s Degree % ZS隭/Doctor s Degree % vQ僛/Others % % egNSf[`NR/ Study Plan in China. % @b裇h垊v噀鄗I{/ Articles or Papers Published. % /g\O罷,g篘\O罷i_gqmQ _ 0髼PN\O罷,g篘髼PN\O罷襳_U_髼&^N豽 闟P3u鲖/g孴髼PNNN剉3u鲖篘 /Examples of Artworks (6 color pictures) or Music Work (1 audio tape) (Only for the applicants applying for Fine Arts and Music). % vQ僛D桍N鲖R鶴 /Other Attachments (A List Is Needed). ________________________________________________________ 鑜(1) 蟢齆3u鲖Pg檈gY N厤菑20u 鲖hQ钀O(uA4竳0 Each set of the complete materials should not exceed 20 pages. Please use A4 size paper. (2) 鄀簨,gVYf[褢3u鲖/f&T珗yb芉 @b g3u鲖Pg檈U` N愗0 Whether the application for SGS is approved or not, all the application materials will not be returned. 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