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equipmentsMECD7207纎IQ燫錧b/gLaser Material ProcessingMECD7208/c≧6RControl of VibrationMECD7209 皊鉔9_'`t簨蔛vQ擽(u0Current Theory of Elasticity and Its ApplicationMECD7210 MATLAB錧 z擽(u$Engineering Applications with MATLABMECD7211 梴觺刧汻f[蔛o忲N擽(u"Computational Structural MechanicsMECE6101MECE6102梴:g6Rb/gComputer Control TechnologyMECE6103MECE6104MECE7201zf齹6Rt簨Intelligent Control TheoryMECE7202瞞婼鹼邁6RHydraulic Control SystemsMECE7203 錧 z酧鱏Yt蔛擽(u3Theory and Application of Digital Signal ProcessingMECE7204 irAm緥Y軓 z6Rb/g(Remote Control Technologies in LogisticsMECE7205:ghV篘錧 zRobot EngineeringMECE7206 :g癶Ee湒蕥璭t簨蔛筫誰.Theory & Method for Mechanical Fault DiagnosisMECE7209梴:g厪㏑Km諎Computer Added TestingMECE7210鶺嶯LabVIEW剉Z嗊b闚hVb/g!Technology of Virtual InstrumentsMECE7212砆V{t簨N筫誰Decision-making techniquePEPD6103 DSP鶺,g烻tN擽(uDSP Fundamental and ApplicationPEPD6202Modern Motion Control SystemPEPD6205^椏~'`6R鹼邁Nonlinear Control SystemPEPD6206皊鉔5u汻鹼邁R恎Modern Power System AnalysisPEPD6207 癳齹恘裇5ub/gN豐bc0Power Conversion and Control of Renewable EnergyPEPD7102 5u汻5uP[N O≧鹼邁Nw+Power Electronics & Drive System SimulationPEPD7108 5u汻謆≧陙≧6R鹼邁Electric drive control systemsPEPD71095u汻5uP[b/gPower ElectronicsPEPD7201"Modern Circuit Theory and AnalysisPEPD7203錧 z5u義:W/Engineering Electromagnetic Fields IntroductionPEPD72045u義Km蠎b/g&Electromagnetic Measurement TechnologyPEPD72055u義|Q筟b/gElectromagnetic CompatibilityPEPD7207皊鉔5u恘b/gModern Power Source TechnologyPEPD7209 Am5u:g剉R恎N緥,Anansis and Design of AC Electrical MachinesPEPD7210PEPD7211 5u汻5uP[鷁!jN6R1Modeling and control of power electronics systemsPEPD72128l義5u:g6Rb/g"Permanent motor control technologyPEPD7213yr蛓5u:gSpecial Elecrtrical MachinePEPD7214 5u汻鹼邁鷁!jN6R*Electric power system modeling and controlPEPD7215 PLC鹼邁NQ軂b/g!PLC system and network technologyPEPD8101 皊鉔5u汻5uP[N O≧6RN槝/Modern Power Electronics & Drive Control SystemPEPD8102 f[褃MR縧N愌ybBNew Development and Innovation of Science and Technology in MarinePEPD8203梴:gNwb/gSystem 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LogicCPUT6103b__韹N陙≧:g#Formal Language and Automata TheoryCPUT6107貧o忲N錧 zAdvanced Software EngineeringCPUT6108 penc揯鹼邁瀃皊b/g"Implementation of Database SystemsCPUT6109鍂茓Ytb/gknowledge processingCPUT6110penc揯鷁!jN緥Database Modeling And DesignCPUT6111梴:gQ軂Computer NetworksCPUT6204梴zf齹鶺@x)Fundamental of Computational IntelligenceCPUT6205 梴:gQ軂Npenc惎)Computer Networking & Data CommunicationsCPUT6207貧蚫\O鹼邁Advanced Operating SystemsCPUT6208梴誰N YBg'`Algorithms Design and AnalysisCPUT6209 貧梴:gSO鹼觺刧Advanced Computer ArchitectureCPUT6210Software Project ManagementCPUT7204CPUT72055uP[FUElectronic BusinessCPUT7206PetriQ烻tPetri Net TheoryCPUT7207篘:gLub椌嫛!Human-Computer Interaction DesignCPUT7208 梴:g塠hQN芠xf[ Computer security and CryptologyCPUT7209 v^LYtNSO鹼觺刧#Parallel Computing and architectureCPUT7210L]eQ_鹼邁緥Embedded Computer System DesignCPUT7211CPUT7214bT鵞a寑b/gObject-Oriented Technique OOT CPUT7215 o忲N(嵪戄O翄NKm諎#Software Quality Assurance and TestCPUT7216CPUT7217CPUT7220CPUT7221Q軂Y抁SOb/gNetwork Multimedia TechniquesCPUT7222陙6q韹Ytb/g&Natural Language Processing TechnologyCPUT7223 JavaNR^_鹼邁Java in Distributed SystemsCPUT7231^\'`簨筫誰Attribute Theory MethodCPUT7233梴:gSO鹼觺刧Computer System ArchitectureCPUT7234CPUT7235irTQb/gInternet of ThingsCPUT7237CPUT7238 慛梴N慛X[≒b/g!Cloud Computing and Cloud StorageCPUT7240CPUT7241CPUT7242 鄀縹Q軂OS畫N梴誰)Wireless Network Protocols and AlgorithmsCPUT7243o忲Ny橆vtRJGC6101RJGC6103 o忲N鹼邁緥No忲NSO鹼觺刧0Software System Design and Software ArchitectureRJGC6104SIGI6101閣5R恎N擽(u Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsSIGI6102彇:g菑 z蔛擽(u)Random Process and Random Signal AnalysisSIGI6103SIGI7101\鈒R恎蔛擽(u%Wavelet Analysis and its ApplicationsSIGI7103皊鉔Ee湒蕥璭b/g!Modern Fault Diagnosis TechnologySIGI7105 5u酧鱏R恎N擽(u)EEG Signal Processing and Its applicationSIGI7106梴:g茐蓧-N剉:ghVf[`N筫誰俰饛-Machine Learning Algorithms in Computer VisioSIGI7107鄀縹愥Ob/g!Wireless Communication TechnologySIGI7109鹹≧:ghV篘鶺@xFoundations of mobile robotSIGI7110剺Kmt簨N筫誰Prediction Theory and MethodTRPM6101TRPM6103/n鉙皊鉔StModern Management of PortTRPM6104*傂彴s鉔StShipping managementTRPM6105TRPM6106 /n:S蔛茤弖袕鹼邁膲RN緥Wplanning and designing of port area and collecting-distributing transport systemTRPM6107惸R筫誰Transportation planning methodTRPM6108愋彄廞軂R恎Transportation Network AnalysisTRPM6109袕搹Q軂R恎(Transport Networks Analysis and ModelingTRPM6110 zf齹OS梴誰蔛 z3Intelligent optimization algorithms and programmingTRPM6112貧*傂彙{tAdvanced shipping managementTRPM6201TRPM6202TRPM6203慃|邁錧 zTraffic System EngineeringTRPM6204砆V{褃f[鷁!jDecision Science ModellingTRPM7105TRPM7107袕搹^:Wf[Transport MarketTRPM7108TRPM7201TRPM7202TRPM7203TRPM7204irAmtLogistics ManagementTRPM7205 袕搹NirAm酧o`鹼邁+Transport and Logistics Information SystemsTRPM7207!j媁蔛擽(uTransport Model and applicationTRPM7208/n*傚] zPort and Channel EngineeringTRPM7209ON込塏ZS_簨TRPM7211/n鉙膲RNbeuPort Planning and StrategyTRPM7214 齎E杦m N袕搹t簨N瀃鯈)The Theory and Practice of Ocean S< hippingTRPM7215 *惸R緥o忲N擽(u>The Application of Transportation Planning and Design SoftwareTRPM7216 qSi柫T袕搹孴962朼l觛5Dangerous Cargo Transport and Prevention of PollutionTRPM72180Wt酧o`鹼邁擽(u,Application of Geographic Information SystemTRPM7220TRPM7221/n鉙irAmtPort Logistics ManagementTRPM7222'嵭桞lR恎Freight Demand AnalysisTRPM7223*傂彙{tShipping ManagementTRPM7224*傂徰憤嘙u罷Financial Shipping DerivativesTRPM7225 LN匭昩D峽|媁Nbeu+Shipping Investment Patterns and StrategiesTRPM8205TRPM8209irAmf[ LogisticsTRPM8211TRPM8216TRPM8217TRPM8218TRPM8219袕搹beuN膲RTransport Strategy and PlanningTRPM8220悤bD嵆QV{Transport Investment DecisionTRPM8221xvz筫誰簨Research MethodologyACCT6101蟸Nmtf[bACCT7215CORP6204CORP6208CORP7203"崱RtFinancial ManagementCORP72044l N舉8ntManagement of Water TourismMacroeconomicsINEC6102甠聣蟸Nmf[MicroeconomicsINEC6104INEC6206INEC7201廩聣蟸Nmf[INEC7202INEC7211 齎E*傂徬~NmNirAm,International Maritime Economics & LogisticsLYGL610196N*傂彙{tShip and Shipping ManagementLYGL6102wm m舉8n_裇t簨(The Theory of Marine Tourism DevelopmentLYGL6103LYGL7103wm mu`舉8nMarine EcotourismMASE6102MASE7207t酧o`鹼邁Management Information SystemMASE7211MASE8104Shipping EconomicsMASE8106 砆V{/ecNFUzf齹*Decision Support and Business IntelligenceTREM8105TREM8106TREM8109TREM8110TREM8111xvz筫誰TRPM8102*傂廙u罷Shipping DerivativesTRPM8103*傂徬~Nmf[TRPM8222TRPM8223*傂徬~NmTRPM8224TRPM8225/n鉙tPort ManagementY齎韹f[bENGL6106ENGL6107Academic Paper WritingENGL6110ENGL7101駛齎噀f["Introduction to English LiteratureENGL7103鍂韹奻[Cognitive LinguisticsENGL7104>yO韹奻[SociolinguisticsENGL7106駛Il鵞詋N褘:Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese and TranslationENGL7110FRNL6103FRNL6106FRNL6209FRNL6212褘-N剉韹奻[Linguistics and TranslationFRNL6214-N壯嫼嬙k儚JA Comparative Study of the Discourses on Translation in China and the WestFRNL6217褘f[俰簨#Introduction to Translation StudiesFRNL6218{褘t簨N瀃鯈Translation Theory and PracticeFRNL6219FRNL6220鉙褘t簨N瀃鯈"Interpretation Theory and PracticeFRNL6221褘錧\OJWTranslation WorkshopFRNL7204Il韹妵eSChinese Language and CultureFRNL7207 齎E*傂忨傢N褘;English for International Shipping Business and TranslationFRNL7208鵞詋韹奻[Contrastive LinguisticsFRNL7209駛噀f[ British and American LiteraturesFRNL7211噀SON褘Stylistics and TranslationFRNL7212褘{騍A Brief History of TranslationFRNL7214 齎E朏U駛韹N褘.International Business English and TranslationFRNL7215 齎E杦m婲誰膲駛韹N褘GEnglish for International Maritime Laws and Regulations and TranslationFRNL7216 齎E杋rAm駛韹N褘'International Logistics and TranslationRIYU6101錯韹韹奻[俰簨Japanese LinguisticsRIYU6102錯,g噀SxvzJapanese Cultural StudiesRIYU6103錯韹韹誰f[俰簨Research of Japanese GrammarRIYU6104 貧桘N簨噀橯\O"Advanced Reading and Paper WritingRIYU6105錯韹韹(uf[#Introduction to Japanese PragmaticsRIYU6106錯,g褟皊鉔噀f[Modern Japanese LiteratureRIYU6108錯韹韹誰N槝xvz"Special Issues of Japanese GrammarRIYU7101噀S韹奻[Language and CultureRIYU7103錯Il褘xvz$Japanese-Chinese Translation StudiesRIYU7105,{孨韹奰N梍鶺@x+Introduction to Second Language AcquisitionRIYU7106 鍂韹奻[錯韹 RIYU7107RIYU7108銼鉔Il韹Classical ChineseYYBY6101YYBY6103YYBY6104{褘 TranslationYYBY6106YYBY6107YYBY6108YYBY6109YYBY6111YYBY6112YYBY7101齎E朏U黐簨"Elements of International BusinessYYBY7102YYBY7103YYBY7107YYBY7108EDUC6101 l欿Q`;NIN蟸xQW刓O 慃噀tf[b$Selected Reading in Marxist ClassicsEDUC6102?e籰f[N槝xvz"Political Science research projectEDUC6106啒黐褃f[The Science of LeadershipsEDUC6107 `骮?e籰Ye瞼胈tf[0Psycholog of ideological and political educationEDUC6109 `骮?e籰Ye瞼烻t孴筫誰簨AThe Theoretical Foundation of Ideological and Political EducationEDUC7102壒e?eZQ6Rxvz!Study of Western political systemEDUC7104癳麜 O璬f[Journalism and CommunicationEDUC7105壒e`骮 TW 慃&selections of western thought classicsEFMT6101甠R筫 zpef:yyO;NINt簨N瀃鯈xvz-Theory and practice of socialism with ChineseMAST4107陙6q翄誰俰簨Studies In Dialectics of NatureMAST5101貧駛韹橯\O%An Advanced Course of English WritingMAST5102貧駛韹{褘)An Advanced Course of English TranslationMAST5103f[/g簨噀橯\OAcademic Writing in EnglishMAST5104-N駛韹,T魦8An Intermediate Course of English Listening and SpeakingMAST5105-N駛韹桘)An Intermediate Course of English ReadingMAST5106 褃b噀.s桘N褘-Scientific Literature Reading and TranslationMAST5107f[/g駛韹鉙韹Academic English CommunicationMAST5110駛韹,T魦English Listening and SpeakingMAST5111駛韹桘English ReadingMAST5112駛韹橯\OEnglish WritingMAST5113駛韹{褘English TranslationMAST5203貧駛韹鉙褘,An Advanced Course of English InterpretationMAST5206-N駛韹鉙褘0An Intermediate Course of English InterpretationMAST5207-N駛韹{褘-An Intermediate Course of English TranslationMAST5208f[MO駛韹!Graduate English Proficiency Test MASTF1001-N齎 O邁噀SChinese Traditional Culture MASTF1002-N齎皊鉔噀SModern Chinese Culture MASTF1003-NIl韹,T魦+Intermediate Chinese Listening and Speaking MASTF1004-NIl韹桘Intermediate Chinese Reading MASTF1005-NIl韹鉙褘#Intermediate Chinese Interpretation MASTF1006-NIl韹{褘 Intermediate Chinese Translation MASTF1007Il韹,T魦Chinese Listening and Speaking MASTF1008Il韹桘Chinese Reading MASTF1009Il韹{褘Chinese Translation< MASTF1010褃b噀.s桘Scientific Literatures ReadingCBHY6101貧I{觺刧汻f[Advanced structural mechanicsCBHY610296;枦RShip resistanceCBHY6103 9係O觺刧:_N瞮砇裿Km+Ship structure strength and fatigue monitorCBHY610496偼d祣N6RShip maneuvering and controlCBHY710196偩嫛嫙StPrinciples of Ship DesignCBHY7102964l≧汻f[Ship hydrodynamicsCBHY7103簢薳hht簨Theories of Ship PropellersCBHY7104 梴:g厪㏑96偩嫛Computer aided design of shipsCBHY7105wm m錧 zAmSO汻f[蔛觺刧≧汻蚑擽AOcean Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Structural Dynamic ResponseCBHY7106 wm m觺刧ir烻tN緥(Principle and Design爋f燨cean Structures皊鉔鄀_c纇Kmb/gwm婲誰膲俰簨DLGC7101 ≧汻:g癶Ee湒蕥璭b/g*Power Machinery Fault Diagnosis TechnologyDLGC7102(Modern Nondestructive Testing Techniques愋彄忓] zf[ 96倝[hQ鹼邁錧 zf[*倃m5uP[鹼邁梴:g*倃m擽(u梴:gb_f[Signal and Image Processing4l N愥O鹼邁 96惏xt簨Nwm婲R恎96N'嵭t簨96偆N愬] zf[wm Nzf齹齎E*傂彙{tMAEE6101貧I{錧 z汻f[Advanced engineering mechanicsMAEE6102 鬵筶:g/c≧0jV餢N抍>e/Vibration & Noise and Emission of Diesel EngineMAEE610396倕:g錧 z&Marine Auxiliary Machinery EngineeringMAEE6104貧I{AmSO汻f[Advanced Fluid MechanicsMAEE6105Pg檈觺刧N'`齹%Structure and Properties of MaterialsMAEE6106 P亐t簨N2枻bb/g*Corrosion theory燼nd燩rotection technologyMAEE7203皊鉔n:gt*Contemporary Marine Engineering ManagementMAEE7205 :g癶鰱鯪1YHeR恎N鵞V{2The mechanical parts failure analysis and measuresMAEE7210 966R稱Nzzl寕)Marine Refrigeration and Air ConditioningMAEE7211 96偸S/n鉙2朼l觛b/g8Marine Pollution Prevention Technology for Ship and PortMAEE7215 96偍R汻艌nCADCAD of Marine Power PlantMAEE7216 965ul蔛陙≧6R'Shipping Electric And Automatic ControlMAEE7218觺刧 gP朇QR恎$Finite Element Analysis of StructureMAEE7219n:g鹼邁Nwb/g-Simulation Technology of Marine Engine SystemMAEE7223 癳齹恘N96倐傹b/g;New Energy and Energy Saving Technology of Marine MachineryMAEE7224AmSO O≧N6RFluid transmission and controlMAEE7225 96傆~刧蔛 gP朇QR恎+Ship structure and Finite elements analysisMAEE7226 皊鉔n:gN:gt/Modern Marine Engineering&Management TechnologyMAEE7227 Pg檈 q蔛鰱鯪1YHeR恎<Material , welding and the mechanical parts failure analysisMAEE7228 筶瞞纇Kmb/g蔛Ee湒蕥璭4Oil Analysis and Fault Diagnosis of Marine MachineryMAEE7229Pg檈h坆楀] zN頞 Y峇6R 悁b/g;Material surface engineering and remanufacturing technologyMAEE7230梴AmSO≧汻f[0Computational Fluid DynamicsCFD and applicationMAEE8101 n:gNw蔛6Rb/g蘏韹 (Marine Simulation and Control TechnologyMAEE8102 966R稱蔛zz寑b/g蘏韹 +Shipping refrigeration and air conditioningMAEE8103wm m痵僗軴Marine environmental protectionMAEE8104MAEE8106匭胵:g'`齹OS!Optimization of the Diesel EngineMAEE8107 貧I{韕汻f[N O韕f[)Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat TransferMAEE8108 癳媁n:gPg檈蔛擽(u.New marineengine materials and the applicationMAEE8109 96:g癶秗`裿KmN蕥璭<Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Marine MachineryMAEE8110 966R稱蔛zz岅仺RSZEnergy-saving and automation technology of ship refrigeration and air-conditioning systemMAEE8111 錧 zKm諎N酧鱏R恎3Testing Technology of Engineering and data analysisMAEE8112 癳媁6R稱蔛zz寑b/g4New technique for refrigeration and air-conditioningMAEE8117韕汻f[N簨Monographs of ThermodynamicsMAEE8118 O韕f[N簨$Specific Discussion on Heat TransferRFCE6101貧I{錧 z韕汻f[#Advanced Engineering ThermodynamicsRFCE6104皊鉔zz寑b/g"Modern air conditioning technologyRFCE6105皊鉔6Rt簨Modern Control TheoryRFCE6106貧I{ O韕f[Advanced Heat TransferRFCE61086R稱zz孧R縧b/g+Advance of Refrigeration & Air ConditioningRFCE72016R稱zz岅仺R6R!Refrigeration And HVAC AutomationRFCE72036R稱zz寕傹b/g>Energy-saving technology of refrigeration and air-conditioningRFCE7204 膭稱膭韕b/g蘏韹 Energy Storage TechnologyRFCE7206 96偡Q蠀袕搹b/g蘏韹 'Refrigerated transportation by shippingRFCE7207韕錧Km諎b/g)Testing Technology in Thermal EngineeringRFCE7209RFCE72106R稱鹼邁OS緥(Refrigeration system optimization designRFCE7212 :g1傸~T裿N;`縹b/g=Integrating Monitoring and Fieldbus Technique for Engine RoomRFCE7213  9u!j_N96偫h寶"Building ship mode and ship surveyRFCE7214梴AmSO汻f[Computational Fluid DynamicsRFCE7215梴AmSO≧汻f[CFD 蔛vQ擽(uRFCE7216RFCE7217RFCE7218 5ul6R蔛PLC擽(u'Electrical control and PLC applicationsRFCE7219*Y3桚6R稱Solar refrigerationRFCE7220皊鉔Am≧Km諎b/g"Modern flow measurement technologyRNGC6101齹恘MR縧b/gEnergy Frontier technologyRNGC6102≧汻錧 zKm諎b/g1Modern measuring techniques for power engineeringRNGC7101≒齹b/gRNGC7103*Y3桚IQ韕)R(uSolar Thermal UtilizationRNGC7104齹恘錧 z5ul6R(Electrical control in energy engineeringRNGC7105癳齹恘b/gNew Energy TechnologyRNGC7106NwN!j遙 SimulationRNGC7107齹恘錧 z倐齹b/g.Energy saving technology of energy engineeringRNGC7108*Y3桚IQOb/gSolar Photovoltaic TechnologyRNGC7109wm m齹b/gOcean Energy TechnologyRNGC7110zz寑b/g&Technology of air-conditioning systemRNGC7111≒齹b/g蘏韹 RNGC71128TD_6R稱蔛韕鮨&Adsorption Refrigeration and Heat pumpRNGC7113 8T6e_6R稱蔛韕鮨蘏韹 "Absorption Chillers and Heat PumpsRNGC7114wm4l醡S艌nSeawater Desalination DeviceTRAE6102Transportation engineeringTRAE6103Electronic Navigation SystemTRAE6105)Computer Application in Marine NavigationTRAE6201o彙嫍{t簨Soft computingTRAE6204Ship Safety System EngineeringTRAE6206 *倃mNwb/g蘏韹 Maritime SimulationTRAE7101 酧鱏NaYt蘏韹 TRAE7104 penc揯R恎N緥蘏韹 Database Analyzing and DesigningTRAE7110Vessel Traffic EngineeringTRAE7111 wm婲塠hQt蘏韹 Maritime Safety AdministrationTRAE7202Communications used at seaTRAE7203Computer GraphicsTRAE7205"Intelligent Marine Traffic SystemsTRAE7207(Theory of Ships and Cargo TransportationTRAE7208Routeing and ChannelTRAE7209?Theory of Ship Collision Avoidance & Maritime Accident AnalysisTRAE7212皊鉔tt簨N96侱崘nt蘏韹 2Management Theory and Maritime Resource ManagementTRAE7214鼅T黐*個b/g Integrated Navigation TechnologyTRAE7216 4l N愇榠枴{tt簨N筫誰EMaritime Transportation: Principle and Methodology of Risk ManagementTRAE7217 wm N愬] z膵鱊鹼邁;Maritime traffic engineering modeling and evaluation systemTRAE7218*倃m俰簨Introduction to navigationTRAE7220wm婲R恎Maritime Accident AnalysisTRAE7221*傂廼rTQInternet of Things in ShippingTRAE7222wm婲螛i枴{tf[Maritime Risk ManagementTRAE7224-Introduction to Maritime Laws and RegulationsTRAE7225齎E杦m婲塠hQlQ)International Maritime Safety ConventionsTRAE7226wm m痵僗f[Marine Environmental ScienceTRAE7227VTS蚫\O瀃鯈 VTS OperationTRAE722896惏x烻t"Theory of Ship Collision AvoidanceTRAE8102 *倃mzf齹t簨Nb/g蘏韹 ,Intelligent Navigation Theory and technologyTRAE8104塠hQN颯`'`t簨Safety and 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SystemCTCE7104:ghV茐蓧Machine VisionCTCE7204皊:W;`縹b/gFieldbus TechnologyCTCE7209陙悢^纇KmN6RAdaptive measure and controlDTAE6106 皊鉔纇Kmt簨Nb/g(Modern Measurement Theory and TechnologyDTAE7103zf齹6RIntelligent ControlDTAE7205R^_6R鹼邁N皊:W;`縹b/gDTAE7206GCGL6101蟸Nmf[ EconomicsGCGL6102tf[ ManagementGCGL6103愋彄忓] zTransportation EngineeringGCGL6104錧 z蟸Nmf[Engineering EconomicsGCGL6105y橆vtProject ManagementGCGL6106/n鉙NirAm緥YPort Logistics EquipmentGCGL6108錧 zy橆vtEngineering Project ManagementGCGL7102鹼邁錧 zf[Systems EngineeringGCGL7104beutStrategy ManagementGCGL7108N蟸Nmf[Industrial EconomicsGCGL7109 錧 z昩DN崌DR恎*Engineering project finance and investmentGCGL7111 錧 z踒昩hNT Tt,Project cost bidding and contract managementGCGL7114t砆V{筫誰!Management Decision-making MethodGKWL6101pef[膲RN梴誰"Operations Research and AlgorithmsGKWL6102-N甠聣蟸Nmf[Intermediate MicroeconomicsGKWL6103 irAm酧o`b/gN酧o`鹼邁+Logistics Information Technology and SystemGKWL7102貧tf[Advanced MangementGKWL7103/n*個b/gNt+Port and Shipping Technology and ManagementGKWL7105菓-崱{tPurchasing ManagementGKWL7109irAmN5uP[FULogistics and E-commerceMASE7210 汷擽貧RN抍 z-Supply Chain Advanced Planning and SchedulingMASE7216 penc覰揯Npencc榗Data Warehouse and Data MiningMASE7217砆V{/ec鹼邁Decision Support SystemsMASE7219gOS梴誰Optimization AlgorithmMASE8107汷擽NirAmt"Supply Chain& Logistics ManagementTECE6101袕搹蟸Nmf[Transport EconomicsTECE6105 y橆v膵鱊t簨N筫誰*Theories and methods on project evaluationTECE6106/n*倳bD峟[Investment in Port & ShippingTECE6107tf[(孨)Principles of ManagementTECE6108wm m噀SNMarine Culture IndustryTECE6109 wm m噀SD崘nN膵0O'Marine culture resources and evaluationTECE6110TECE7201 t剺KmN砆V{筫誰1Management Forecasting and Decision-making MethodTECE7204TECE7205TECE7210b/g蟸Nmf[Technological EconomicsTECE7212蟸Nmf[(孨)TECE7213 愋彄廞軂膲RN!j媁,Planning and model on transportation networkTECE7214irAmN汷擽t%Logistics and supply chain managementTECE7215 irAm鹼邁OSN砆V{*Logistics system optimization and decisionTECE7217TECE7218wm m婲tMarine Affairs ManagementTECE7219wm 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